I'm New HereBram Van Paesschen

A unique look behind the scenes of the new economic relationship between the African continent and China. Is Tian Xiu the umpteenth Eldorado for Africans that will lead to nothing? A fresh look at globalization and migration from an unprecedented point of view.

Tian Xiu: for decades it has been the Eldorado for masses of African migrants who try their luck in this city. Some adapt at an unusual speed: they learn the language, build relationships, earn money and survive. Others struggle with the constantly changing Chinese laws that make life difficult for them. And then there are the obstacles of miscommunication and racism - whether or not overt - in this country that has no tradition with migration waves from outside its borders.

Economy Africa

Vertoond op editie(s) 2018
Screened at edition(s) 2018


Directed by Bram Van Paesschen
2017 90 min.
Chinese, French and Swahili
Subtitles: Dutch, French


Belgian selection


Bram Van Paesschen


Bart Van Langendonck


Emmanuel Gras & Carl Rottiers


Dieter Diependaele


Peter Van Laerhoven

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