Stille WildernisMathijs Vleugels

When a child has gone missing for years, what goes running through its parents' heads? Director Mathijs Vleugels depicts the uncertainty and heartache of the people involved in the child's absence and does so in a creative and poetic manner. He entices the viewer when following a police force trying to shed light on a lost young boy, named Tim, who disappeared in 2003.

When a child has gone missing for years, what goes running through its parents' heads? Director Mathijs Vleugels depicts the uncertainty and heartache of the people involved in the child's absence and does so in a creative and poetic manner. He entices the viewer when following a police force trying to shed light on a lost young boy, named Tim, who disappeared in 2003.
In 2003, the life of Aimé and Yvonne gets turned upside down for good. Their adoptive son Tim disappears in the Hungarian wilderness. For years they are struggling with endless questions. What happened? Where is he? The nagging nescience and obscurity creates an ever-growing emptiness fed by uncertainty. During the police's final attempt to solve the case, it seems the intolerant silence in the parents' life is gradually coming to an end. Can this last effort of the police still elucidate the boy's disappearing?
Director Mathijs Vleugels successfully portrays an intimate profile of the missing boy by using footage of Tim's childhood, thus creating a personal and nostalgic feeling alleviating the heavy subject. The story is enhanced by the black-and-white animations representing Tim's emotional world. Vleugels - also known for his Canvas docu-series - visually and powerfully translates the heavy burden Aimé and Yvonne have been carrying in their daily lives for years.

Vertoond op editie(s) 2017
Screened at edition(s) 2017


Directed by Mathijs Vleugels
60 min.
Subtitles: English


Belgian selection


Mathijs Vleugels


Peter Krüger

Production company

Inti Films


Erwin Van Der Stappen


Kwinten Gernay


Mathijs Vleugels, Karel Verstreken

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(beschikbaar vanaf 20.03)