Fly - Beyond the Spectrum

Steven Janssens Belgium 2025 73 min.

When Brian, Jason, Jules and Kieran got the label 'autism' or 'disability' in their youth, they lost a lot of self-confidence. But they continued to grow and, as twenty-somethings, they are now at a crossroads in their lives: What future lies ahead of them? Will they find independence, a job, a partner, and happiness? Over 10 years, these adolescents actively collaborated on this intimate portrait that celebrates the resilience and individuality of these extraordinary young people.

The four youngsters are not merely the subject of this film by documentary filmmaker Steven Janssens (Crazy Money), but were actively involved in the making of this remarkable coming-of-age story. They also took the camera in hand and composed the soundtrack. In this way, the film became a reflection of a creative and gripping journey, from their past through the present and towards their future. A unique and powerful portrait of the transition from adolescence to adulthood. The young people's creativity is present in another way at DOCVILLE: there is an exhibition of the photographs of Kieran Verswijvelen, one of the young people in the film. 

Tarot card

Following the pseudoscience theme, a tarot card was made of (almost) every film. The complete package of tarot cards is also the catalogue.

Click on the DOCVILLE poster to discover the tarot card.

More about the tarot card-catalogue