Een andere school
Johan Van Schaeren Belgium 2025 120 min.
1975. A group of young parents, displeased with the classical school system, found a new school from scratch. The interest in a different kind of education proves so great that they soon have to expand. They end up in an old farmhouse where, for the first time in Flanders, they put Freinet pedagogy into practice.
Using historical footage and audio recordings, as well as interviews with Freinet pioneers of yesteryear, Een andere school recounts not only an amazing experiment by a group of idealists, but also the life and work of French pedagogue Célestin Freinet. The film offers an illuminating insight into the basic principles of his progressive pedagogical system. A historical film, looking back at a crucial phase in the emergence of Freinet schools in Flanders, but also a film that is relevant to this day. Not only because Flanders currently has the highest number of Freinet schools in the world, but also because the film addresses themes that are hot topics in the field of education today.
Tarot card
Following the pseudoscience theme, a tarot card was made of (almost) every film. The complete package of tarot cards is also the catalogue.
Click on the DOCVILLE poster to discover the tarot card.

De toekomst van het onderwijs in Vlaanderen.
Deze DOCVILLE-PLUS volgt meteen na de filmvertoning van zo 30/03 in Auditorium Vesalius, je hebt geen extra ticket nodig.
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Johan Van Schaeren
Fonk vzw
Matthias Therry
Ali Baharlou, Johan Van Schaeren
Erik Verheyden
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Dutch, French