Zodiac Killer Project

Charlie Shackleton United States 2025 92 min.

What if, as a director, you want to make a documentary about the Zodiac Killer, but can't get the copyright permission for the book you want to base your film on? With a great sense of humour and still surprising revelations, Shackleton describes what his film about the Zodiac Killer would have looked like. An engaging and entertaining viewing experience that will change your view of true-crime forever. 

Empty suburban houses, an abandoned courthouse, a sunbaked, desolate car park, grimy archival footage, faux-looking reconstructions, a haunting voice-over and cops speaking with overblown confidence about an old case... the over-familiar elements of true-crime are stripped of all action and spectacle as filmmaker and multimedia artist Charlie Shackleton explores how popular culture, mass media and narratives create meaning through genre conventions. His film about the Zodiac Killer, which he never made due to a copyright issue, was made after all, albeit in an indirect way.

Tarot card

Following the pseudoscience theme, a tarot card was made of (almost) every film. The complete package of tarot cards is also the catalogue.

Click on the DOCVILLE poster to discover the tarot card.

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