How Deep is Your Love

Eleanor Mortimer United Kingdom 2025 97 min.

70% of our planet is hidden in the mysterious deep sea, but the time to discover this last wilderness on earth is relentlessly ticking away. With deep-sea mining looming, biologists race against the clock to explore this unknown world full of enchanting creatures and ecosystems before it is too late. A breathtaking journey into an unknown world. 

A hidden world with mysterious, still unidentified creatures that thrive in the darkness, is one of the last places on Earth not yet much impacted by the human economy. But that is about to change, as the deep sea contains valuable resources and deep-sea mining seems inevitable. This visually overwhelming film intertwines wonder with urgency, and challenges us to find a balance between the drive for resources and the intrinsic value of an ecosystem. 

Tarot card

Following the pseudoscience theme, a tarot card was made of (almost) every film. The complete package of tarot cards is also the catalogue.

Click on the DOCVILLE poster to discover the tarot card.

More about the tarot card-catalogue