Can AI be (self) conscious?

Perhaps more fundamental than the question of whether AI can be self-aware is the definition of consciousness itself. Are only biological beings self-aware? For some people, there is a clear distinction between vertebrates and invertebrates, others show that even a mussel feels pain stimuli.

Ultimately, everyone bases their decision on output: people are self-aware - if only because they answer 'yes' when you ask them that question, but what criteria determine self-awareness? And how does the system behind a Google Chatbot really work? Do we fully understand that? Do we write off self-awareness in advance for future generations of AI systems because they are digital entities? And if we ever determine the opposite, what legal framework is there for that?

Panel discussion with Prof. Grant Ramsey (Higher Institute for Philosophy, KU Leuven), Roel Heremans (artist working on AI and the relationship between humans and machines) and Daniel Freed (journalist and director of I Hope This Helps)