Space Chasers

Dr. Steven Swancoat United States 2025 52 min.

Taking astonishingly beautiful pictures of the universe. Those who believe this is only for professional astronomers, are wrong. Get inspired by Dr. Steven Swancoat, gynaecologist and amateur astrophotographer, who takes you to meet other enthusiasts from around the world who take incredible pictures of galaxies, planets and nebulae from their own backyards. 

Dr. Steven Swancoat is a gynecologist, but besides his medical background, he has another, totally different passion that he infectiously shares in this film: amateur astrophotography. In this adventurous travel documentary, he meets other enthusiasts who take impressive pictures of the universe as a hobby. Their images are often stunning, their enthusiasm downright infectious: watching this documentary is therefore not without risk, as it has already encouraged many a viewer to become an amateur astrophotographer too. You have been warned. 

Tarot card

Following the pseudoscience theme, a tarot card was made of (almost) every film. The complete package of tarot cards is also the catalogue.

Click on the DOCVILLE poster to discover the tarot card.

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