Hans Dortmans The Netherlands 2024 72 min.
The egg of an eel is perhaps the rarest commodity in the world. After all, no one has ever found one. The enigma surrounding their reproduction already preoccupied Aristotle - his guess was that they sprouted spontaneously from the mud - but has yet to be understood. Scientists and enthusiasts from all over the world try to unravel this mystery: on a journey on an Austrian expedition ship, in a Dutch laboratory or at the table of a Japanese restaurant.
The mystery surrounding their reproduction makes eels not only one of the oldest species, but also one of nature's strangest creatures. The adult fish migrate to the open sea, spawn after a 6,000-km journey somewhere southeast of Bermuda in the Atlantic and then die. The young larvae drift back to Europe with the ocean currents and arrive at the coast as glass eels. Those larvae are caught and used in farms. But finding the eggs, let alone breeding them in captivity, has never been done. With the eel facing extinction, the search for the mystery of its reproduction takes on a new urgency.
Tarot card
Following the pseudoscience theme, a tarot card was made of (almost) every film. The complete package of tarot cards is also the catalogue.
Click on the DOCVILLE poster to discover the tarot card.
Hans Dortmans
Sylvia Baan, Janneke Doolaard, Harmen Jalvingh
Erik van Empel
Katarina Türler, Patrick Janssens
Ernst Reijseger
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Dutch, English, Japanese