Isaac Asimov, a Message to the Future

Mathias Théry France, Sweden 2022 52 min.

Isaac Asimov, the godfather of science fiction, speaks to you personally from the past. Or at least his deepfake alter ego who, in this unique film, talks about his predictions published in more than five hundred works between 1950 and 1980. Self-driving cars, the arrival of technological gadgets and robots into our daily lives, as well as our increasingly distant relationship with nature and overpopulation. AI brings the past and Asimov's then prophetic visions of the future to life right before our eyes. 

No doubt he would have loved it himself: the man fascinated by the future, reporting from the past into the present, more than 30 years after his death, and this thanks to ‘futuristic’ technological innovations. With more than 500 publications to his name, from the 1950s to the 1980s, Isaac Asimov was a visionary. A remarkable meeting with the author who talks ‘personally’ about his vision of the distant future we are currently in the midst of.

Tarot card

Following the pseudoscience theme, a tarot card was made of (almost) every film. The complete package of tarot cards is also the catalogue.

Click on the DOCVILLE poster to discover the tarot card.

More about the tarot card-catalogue