Blue OrchidsJohan Grimonprez

A double portrait of two experts representing the two opposite extremes in the playing field of global arms trade. Blue Orchids shockingly unveils how greedy the war industry actually is.

The stories of former New York Times correspondent Chris Hedges and of Riccardo Privitera, former arms dealer for the now defunct Talisman Europe Ltd, form a paradoxical parallel. Both show signs of the same traumas, but from a completely opposed perspective. The one spent his time debunking lies, the other made those very lies his foundations. Grimonprez introduces the arms trade as a symptom of a serious illness: greed.


Two shorts by Johan Grimonprez are screened before the main film:

Raymond Tallis | on tickling 2017, 8min

every day words disappear | Michael Hardt on the Politics of Love 2016, 15min

This film is part of...

Artist in focus Johan Grimonprez

The rave international reviews of his latest film do not lie: Johan Grimonprez is renowned worldwide as a video artist who knows how to interweave exceptional visual material with a profound social analysis in a highly creative manner. His feature debut Dial H.I.S.T.O.R.Y had its world premiere in 1997 at the Centre Pompidou in Paris and became a major festival hit. Double Take (2009), Shadow World (2016), Blue Orchids (2017) and Soundtrack to a Coup d'Etat (2024) each confirmed his unique talent. As Artist in Focus, DOCVILLE will show a compilation of his work and the director will bring a Master Talk to the festival.

Economy Politics

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Directed by Johan Grimonprez
2017 48 min.
Subtitles: Dutch


Artist in focus Johan Grimonprez


Johan Grimonprez

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(beschikbaar vanaf 20.03)