Wien is 't Hof van CommerceKristof Michiels
Kowlier, Buyse and DJ 4T4; three names that have resounded for over twenty years in the firmament of Flemish hip-hop and rap under the name 't Hof van Commerce. But who is 't Hof van Commerce? A thundering rollercoaster full of music and visual mash-ups about two decades ‘t Hof.
The band is known for its wit and for not taking itself too seriously - just like this film. Of course, twenty years of 't Hof van Commerce asks for a look back, with (mostly) extremely serious and documentary-worthy contributions from Wim Willaert, Wim Opbrouck, Wannes Cappelle, Discobar Galaxie, Bent Van Looy, Bruno Vandenbroecke, Eddy Merckx and Coely and many other big and small fans and compagnons de route of 't Hof. 'Wien is the Court of Commerce' is an exciting trip that catapults you through twenty years of Flemish hip hop and showbiz.
'T Hof van Commerce is a complementary triumvirate, but this film is the work of DJ4T4, a.k.a. Kristof Michiels. As a DJ behind the two MCs, he has helped shape ‘t Hof. Michiels is an excellent entertainer, as he proves again with 'Wien is' Hof van Commerce' which he describes as an 'audiovisual party'.
Directed by Kristof Michiels
2018 72 min.
Subtitles: Dutch
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Kristof Michiels
Kristof Michiels
Kristof Michiels
't Hof van Commerce
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